#1 Splinterlands
Automation Service

#1 Splinterlands Automation Service

Automation, Utilities, and Analytics for Splinterlands.
Unlock your collection's potential and save on fees.
Get started in minutes with a 7-day free trial.
Sessions1.5 M
Battles16.0 M
bot animation

What is XBOT?

XBOT is the leading automation service for Splinterlands - a card game on the Hive blockchain. Our Splinterlands bot outperforms both human players and other automation services, while keeping more of the earnings in users' pockets with low fees.

Additional services include: Analysis Board, Liquid Rewards, SPS Rental Market, Browser Extension, Battle Helper and more.

Who is it for?

Our automation service offers a unique value proposition to many types of Splinterlands players, collectors, and investors:
  • Too busy, on holiday or burned out? Let XBOT take over and keep earning
  • Delegate the gameplay and focus on building your collection
  • Maximize returns on large collections spread across multiple accounts


We built XBOT as a response to the lack of quality automation services in the Splinterlands ecosystem. We were frustrated with the high fees and lack of innovation in the space. Our aim is to provide a best-in-class service, at a lower cost, and with better features.

Features List

Analysis Board
Liquid Rewards
SPS Rental Market
Auto-Harvest Plots
Browser Extension
Discounted Accounts
Rental Feature
Battle Helper
Free Trial
Ongoing Development
50M+ Battles Stored
Detailed Dashboard
Continuous Learning
Smart Focus Refresh
Maximize Focus Rewards
Card & Asset Transfer
Claim & Unstake SPS
Claim Rewards
7-Day Free Trial available to new accounts.
Get started in minutes and try XBOT for free now.

XBOT Token


Utility & Access

XBOT token is a utility token on Hive Engine used to unlock access to various XBOT services and features. There's 3 types of tokens: XBOT (Standard), XBOT Lite and XBOT Mini:

All XBOT tokens are available for trading on the Tribaldex exchange